Sedges have edges. If you've ever heard that saying, than you know what I mean. If not, I'll explain. When identifying whether the plant in question is a sedge or a grass, or for that matter a rush, you can look at the stem of the plant to find out. Sedges are usually triangular, rushes are round, and grasses are flat or hollow.
Carex bromoidesBrome-like Sedge is an excellent landscape plant. This variety typically grows natively in the wet woods. While it performs wonderfully there, it will also do quite well in full sun, like I have it in this picture. The 6-8" tall foliage is covered in airy seed heads and flowers now. Mixing this with a short Aquilegia or Allium bulbs would create a very nice short planting. This is part of the new wave of plantings that people that want to get ahead of the curve are using. So remember, Sedges have Edges, but now so can you.
This is an oldie but goodie. I remember when this plant would cost a fortune just for the small liner. Now it can be had at an affordable price. The white foliage with blue flowers is exceptional. Further making this plant a landscape staple, is its ability to work in deep shade. Also known as False Forget-Me-Not's, this plant has become unforgettable. Every year in the landscape, I'm reminded that no matter how many new plants come out each year, this will always remain one of the best.
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