I've long disliked the genus Chaenomeles, or Flowering Quince. I never mastered the pronunciation of the genus and never liked the color of the flowers. Even more, I didn't like the fact that they were free of leaves during the summer. It seems as though things are about to change. While perusing the nursery in Virgil on Tuesday, I was stunned by the profusion of flowers tightly gripping the stems of this new brand of Quince. Double Take™ Quince made me do just what the name says. And the brand makes it easier for me to pronounce, which I like as well. Here are the three varieties that we carry.

This was my favorite of all the blooming plants in the nursery. These plants were covered with blooms once again. Fully opened on young and old plants, this one looks like a real winner. I can't think of anything at this very moment that blooms with such brilliant red color at this time of year other than Tulips. It would be stunning to pair this plant with a Forsythia Show Off™ for early spring color. The fiery combination would surely attract visitors as they are both superb plants.

I really like it when new breeding leads me to a genus that I would have stuck my nose up at in the past. Proven Winners® Colorchoice™ Shrubs has done just that with these three Chaenomeles. This is closest to the color I remember from past Quince. There were only a few blooms on this plant, so if you want to extend the bloom season of Quince, you can plant this one with one of the others.
This has been such an early year for Forsythia, and while most are bloomed out, this one is still hanging on. The picture was taken on March 19th, way before they normally bloom, and it was by far the nicest Forsythia in the ground that I saw. The Landscape Design Association visited us on the 22nd, and many took note of how nice this plant looked. I heard from the group, "I don't like Forsythia, but that could change my mind." We gave a couple away to the audience, so hopefully people will remain interested.
As spring continues to fly by, we should all take a second to realize we may not ever see Pears and Redbuds blooming at the same time again. Serviceberries and Forsythia and Chaenomeles all in bloom at the same time. While it is definately shortening the flowering woody season, I have to remember what a non-industry person said to me last week. Crabapples were in full bud in front of her office, with Amelanchier, Pyrus, and Cercis canadensis in full bloom. She was a lady in her late 60's, and she couldn't understand why it worried me. She said, it's so beautiful Kevin. Why can't you just see that and take it for what it's worth. Someone telling me to stop and smell the roses!?! Wow. She's right. It's amazing. Soak it in. Until next time, have a great day!