The garden is forming drifts of purple everywhere I look. Piet Oudolf's design is spectacular with Salvia, Baptisia, Amsonia and Nepetas blooming or beginning to bloom. Perennial Island has Hyacinthoides hispanica amongst the sedges blooming away, and Iris' are about to start as well. A couple other plants I will speak about shortly. Thanks to all of our customers that have stuck with us during these hard times. We appreciate it greatly and wish that the rest of the year will be as busy as this first part has been. Thanks again to all of you. And now the plants....
Midwest Groundcovers display gardens and plant trials are discussed here. New plants for each season for categories like Roses, Groundcovers, Natives, Perennials and Shrubs.

Welcome to the Midwest Groundcovers Landscape Blog

Astilbe 'Vision in Red' with Hosta 'Patriot' and Carex 'Ice Dance'
Friday, May 29, 2009
May Day
The garden is forming drifts of purple everywhere I look. Piet Oudolf's design is spectacular with Salvia, Baptisia, Amsonia and Nepetas blooming or beginning to bloom. Perennial Island has Hyacinthoides hispanica amongst the sedges blooming away, and Iris' are about to start as well. A couple other plants I will speak about shortly. Thanks to all of our customers that have stuck with us during these hard times. We appreciate it greatly and wish that the rest of the year will be as busy as this first part has been. Thanks again to all of you. And now the plants....
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Garden is Blooming!
No one guessed the plant of the week last week. It was Smilax ecirrhata or Upright Carrion Flower. It looked otherworldly when I saw it first. I was quite impressed. And it's not everyday that I find something in the woods that I have no idea what it is. I must be a geek, because it was like having a birthday cake! Maybe I'll go a little easier on you this week.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Aquilegia: How Sweet it is.
This will be a brief blog for the week. It's May after all and we are pretty busy! I still have two focuses. One being the great plants that we have for sale, and the other being the beautiful plants in the landscape. Most of this will center on the amazing Aquilegia. I always find that Aquilegia find new places to live in the garden. But I think most of these are welcome re seeders, as they look so great this time of year. And away we go!
Aquilegia 'Dove'
This was the first bloom on the plant. This, as well as all the rest are mostly in full bud. These are ready for the garden center or the landscape contractor that wants to make a big splash when the plants first go in.
These are also just loaded with buds. And quite the beautiful flower.
I think this one is my personal favorite. The flowers are so intensely colored. Who wouldn't want this to reseed in their landscape.
These are such great plants. An Aquilegia where the flowers point upwards. This is a mix of plants, so chances are that there will be a mix of colors when you receive them. Just look at the purple one!
In the Landscape:
The beauty of Tree Peonies is unsurpassed. This is Paeonia 'Kamatafuji'. We have been tossing the idea of growing Tree peonies the last couple years, and I was wondering what people would be willing to pay wholesale. Let us know. If you want us to grow them, we need to know how much you want them. Thanks in advance! You can email me at
This is one of my other new favorite groundcovers. In all the places in the landscape, it just shines. And it appreciates drought, which means it will become even more valuable as water becomes restricted. A truly sustainable plant.
Who can resist taking a picture of a mass of Shooting Star. What I love the most about these is their variability. That is the great thing about native plants, in that you can seed them and get some really cool results. These are blooming all over the landscape as I got a little crazy planting them a couple years ago. Now it's your turn. These are deserving little buggers.
In the woods, the Trout lilies are blooming. These dainty flowers must be seen up close to be appreciated. A large patch of these are in full bloom. Gotta love it!
Last weeks Mystery Plant of the Week was correctly identified as Mahonia aquifolium by Carol Beatty. Thanks Carol for being the first to respond with the correct answer! This weeks may be even harder yet. I had to look it up and after many minutes searching various pages on the Internet, I figured it out. It didn't hurt that Grace Koehler steered me in the right direction.
Mystery Plant of the Week
This was found at Johnson's Mound, in Elburn Illinois. It was a vine-like plant with very interesting flowers along the stems. Good luck! Send your guesses to
Thanks again for reading and I hope all of you are having a great spring. Until next time, have a great day!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend
Now that the heat has started to come, many plants are beginning to bloom. It's like being in a candy store when I walk on our Perennial Island. Phlox, Polemonium, Heuchera, Achillea and more are emerging or blooming and looking great! I just can't wait to talk about the highlights, so here goes.
Magnolia 'Yellow Lanterns'
I am still not completely familiar with this plant. We have it on our property and for those that have noticed it, they immediately come and ask what it is. It is much later in flowering than other Magnolia, and looks to be perfectly hardy here. If you have an interest in Magnolias, check this one out.
Veronica whitleyi
This little gem of a creeper is blooming it's little head off. One of the greatest things about being involved in plant programs is that it introduces fun new plants to us. I am grateful that Jeepers Creepers includes the V. whitleyi! A carpet of these is a site to see. And when not in bloom, they have a nice grayish tone to the foliage.
This is another great new groundcover that we will be offering this year. It is quite the spectacular. It's vigor is impressive for a variegated Vinca. 'Ralph Shugert' better watch out! This one has yellow variegation and is much cooler if you click on the picture and see the full size picture.
A very interesting plant this is. Its yellow flowers are outstanding this time of year. Just don't eat them as they are very poisonous. Did you know that Poinsettias are Euphorbia too? So think of your Christmas plant blooming yellow! And it's hardy!
Phlox bifida
This is one that we have just added to the line. It won't be available until next year though. We have the Emerald Blue and Emerald Pink Creeping Phlox already in our line and this one will fill out the lineup. The distinguishing feature of Phlox bifida is the notches in the petals. It is a very nice fine textured groundcover.
One of my favorite combinations in the garden is this one right here. It mixes the Veronica 'Waterperry Blue' groundcover with Anemone sylvestris and the un-pictured Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia. The Veronica are starting to create a nice flowing carpet of purple flowers with the beautiful Anemone blooming white right now. The Amsonia is just starting to emerge and looks very interesting as well. Both the Veronica and Anemone will potentially re-bloom in fall, while the Amsonia turns a nice shade of yellow in the fall.
Lamium 'Anne Greenaway'
This is a groundcover that we have been trialing in the landscape. I'm not sure I like the reversion in the foliage. It seems that there is always some completely yellow leaves in there. It's kind of like a circus in a square foot. I've been waiting for the dancing fleas to jump out. If you like that kind of thing, great! If not, you could always use the more tame 'Shell Pink'
Brunnera 'Mr. Morse'
I absolutely love Brunnera. I think there is no better introduction to this industry than the intro of B. 'Jack Frost'. This one is very similar to 'Jack Frost', but with white flowers. A mixture of the two could be quite interesting. I haven't tried that yet. I have received little feedback from customers on this plant. If you would like us to grow this plant, let us know. Your feedback is needed!
Mystery Plant of the Week
Last week, nobody sent in an answer to the question. But the plant for last week, if anyone is playing along is Phlox x 'Minnie Pearl'. This week, a flower is what you can see. Hopefully that will make the identification process a little easier.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Year of the......
2009 is the year of the ox according to the Chinese Zodiac. The Ox, or the Buffalo sign symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. That isn't what I intended to talk about when I started the post calling this "The Year of the..." What I really wanted to talk about were the plants I'm seeing this spring that are really strutting their stuff. Once I thought about it a while, I thought that many of these plants could be considered hard working. I'm not sure I'm ready to personify so much as to say that the plants display fortitude, but you get the point.
It seems that there has not been a better year than this for Muscari. In the case of this picture, the hard working Muscari make a bed of Sedum look oh so much better. After they are done blooming, they go away and the Sedum looks good the rest of the year. They work together to make a great combination. It's a relationship very similar to Midwest Groundcovers and their customers!
Have you noticed how nice the Serviceberries are this year. They really pack a punch this time of the year. I can't remember seeing them look as great as they do right now. And the plant fits the hard working model of the ox in that it is a multi seasonal ornamental tree. Not only is the flower so nice, it produces tasty fruit in summer and fantastic fall color. The ultimate workhorse or work ox plant.
Ok, so every year is the year of the Juddi Viburnum in my book. I told the story last week of my mistakes in my early years calling it a Witchhazel. And while the buds of this plant are fantastic, the flowers are more so. The fragrance is unmatched. I would venture to say that the fragrance of a Juddi Viburnum exceeds the pleasure of the fragrance of the Common Lilac.