It has been a BUSY MAY! We've been focused on sales and our immediate customer needs...and now we're ready to share more information via our landscape blog. Now is a great time to plan a visit to the gardens to compare plants, and learn more about successful new plant combinations!
Watch for updates on The Johnson House landscape (especially the rain garden), rose trials (everything's blooming!) and soon Echinacea comparisons will be blooming too.
Some highlights from the landscape walk today:

Our Echinacea x 'Meadowbrite Orange' are doing great - about to bloom. There are some regional reports of overwintering trouble with this plant, but ours came through the winter strong. Planting is right next to the Sedum Sun!

Carex comparison beds - Kevin & Robert and discussing the finer points of Carex species...

Jeepers Creepers(TM) plant displays with Sedum Sun peeking out in the background

Baptisia leucantha blooming in the prairie plantings at the entrance!

Gustavo & crew replacing boxwoods which perished over the winter in our hedge around the offices.

Entrance combination of Sporobolus heterolepis, Silphium terebinthaceaum (Prairie Dock), Hemerocallis Stella d'Oro & Limonium latifolium