Kevin McGowen, Robert Adolph and Christa Orum-Keller completed the first landscape walk of the year after the snow has subsided. Priority projects for the next weeks are to rennovate the retail north gardens, install the Johnson House landscape and complete plantings around the new pond near the Yard Shoppe. In June we will focus on the Midwest SolutionsTM plantings on the west side of the office as well as additional plantings of Jeepers CreepersTM.
Featured plants in Retail North will be: Buxus comparisons, Spiraea comparisons, Hosta comparisons and Geranium comparisons. Three shade trees will be installed to provide future shade and the addition of Astilbe and Fern comparisons will follow once the trees are large enough. The path will be redesigned somewhat.
The Johnson House project is focused on providing an example of how to complete a typical (NOT high end!) residential landscape project with an eco friendly twist! There will be four Midwest SolutionsTM plant combinations used with a strong focus on the micro environment. Choosing plant combinations to meet the precise cultural site requirements provides a more sustainable foundation, while also looking aesthetically pleasing. There will be rain barrels at each downspout. The rain barrels come with their own watering hoses - the units are of recycled plastic and we expect they will be easy to install and use. We found them at Finally, we identified a moist spot in the back yard. We will excavate about one foot and included in the final design is a small rain garden.

If you visit the new water feature between the wholesale office and the yard shoppe, it looks bare now - but not for long! Kevin and Christa have been working on developing an excellent, very low and dry plant combination for the front section. We want to include a 'standing / teaching mini stage' with stepping stones. Behind the water feature, we're working on a more detailed plant by plant design. If you have ideas - share them with Kevin.
Plants in bloom: Epimedium, Waldsteinia, Vibrunum carlessi