I remember the first time I realized that the picture below is only 5 plants. "Wow!" I think I said. Or something like it. October Skies is one of the last Asters to fully bloom. This plant should be in flower for at least another month. It is just starting now, and already looks glorious. A couple things to note before planting October Skies. a) it is an aster and will reseed here and there. b) It gets enormous. 36" wide by 24" tall, and c) it smells like patchouli. If you like the smell of patchouli than this is for you. If not, don't brush up against it! If you don't know what patchouli is or smells like, you should buy one to find out.
One of the reasons I like fall so much is the sweet smell of Bugbane. Sweetly scented spikes of white, rise above the dark purplish green foliage. This plant is very deserving of a place in nearly every one's home. The problem is, that it likes to be consistently moist. Without the moisture, they will not grow as fast or as large, and occasionally will have some browning on the leaves. Otherwise, quite the plant. I know that I would not be able to go without one. Other Actaea on the market that are of interest include, Hillside Black Beauty, James Compton, and Pink Spike.
-These are all great plants to know. Something to give your late summer garden a kick start into fall. Until next time, have a great day!